The PLPATH is used to document student owned learning that is not part of regular classroom expectations; providing educators with knowledge to build stronger relationships and personalize learning.
What the PLPATH solves for education:
The PLPATH provides educators with knowledge to build stronger relationships and personalize learning.
The PLPATH Achievements section is used to document student owned learning that is not part of regular classroom expectations.
The PLPATH Goals section houses student-developed goals.
The PLPATH Who Am I? section provides a central location to store academic information about each student, like schedules, or sampling of work.
The PLPATH Who I Am! section provides a resume style self-learning summary of the student's education.
School Vision
The Student's PLPATH is used to build stronger relationships between students and the educators that support them.
The community should work together to create a culture of exploring new and sharing "Achievements" by each of the students. Students should be encouraged to add any Achievements they have done as well as any public commentary they received while working them. ** The community will not directly engage with the PLPATH document itself, but rather with the individual items that get inserted into the PATH.
The school should create posters with the PLPATH infographic on them and post them around the school to help keep students motivated to add achievements.
Teachers should look for ways that they could personalize their learning based on the information obtained from the PLPATH and also use them during data chats about students.
Supports such as Instructional interventionists, and coaches referenced the students PLPATH's to look for unique ways to connect with each student.
To celebrate student's during each awards ceremony their should a PLPATH Achievement award. Teachers will need to review students PLPATH's and submit their suggestions for this award, the principal will select 3 of their favorite submitted Achievement to present at the awards ceremony.
Teacher Vision
What are you doing with the PLP in your classes today?
I learned that Johnny helped his father change the oil in their car for the first time. In today's writing assignment, I made the suggestion to Johnny that he should write about that experience. ---- Cameron's goals showed she is working on staying focused, so I will keep an eye out on times she needs a reminder.
What do you need to do this week?
I noticed Susan was struggling with a particular concept in math. I checked her PATH to see if I could make any connections to things she has added that could help her better understand this concept. ---- I plan to group both Jeff, and Chloe together on the next project because they both appear to have an interest in astrology.
What have you done this month?
I helped students add "Achievements" and update their reflections in their "Goals". We also worked on their "favorite places" slide that is part of the "Who Am I?" section, and added a sample work from math.
I never knew Freddy has artwork in a local art gallery, I need to make sure to remember that for our next assignment on Marketing.
What have you done this trimester?
The students created their Who I Am! pages which are to be included in their report cards. I plan to review these pages with the instructional coaches when we talk about student data. The full PATH will be shown to parents during parent teacher conferences.
What is the goal for the year?
To use the PATH to personalize a lesson for each of my students.
Student Vision
What are you doing with your PLP in your classes today?
I will be working towards the goals I have included in my PATH.
What do you need to do this week?
I will be exploring my personal interests that may be added as “Achievements”.
What have you done this month?
My PATH advisor is helping the entire class to add any recent Achievements, update our reflections, and work on our personal Goals. I have noticed my teachers making efforts to use examples from my PATH to help explain different concepts to me.
My teachers have also been helping us update our "Who Am I?" pages. For the ELA example I added my the story I wrote about a hike I took that brought me on the same road that was used during the Revolutionary War. I also updated the ELA goal to work on my grammar skills.
My Guidance counselor helped me update my schedule for next year, which can be found in my "Who Am I?" section of my PATH. It was nice that the teachers have been adding their recommendations for which classes I should take to that page.
What have you done this trimester?
I created our second a “Who I Am!" (Cut & Keep) page today. It is going home with our report cards. I am excited my parents will see that the ELA teacher gave me credit towards our "how to" assignment from the TickTocks that I was creating at dance every week.
What is the goal for the year?
I want to make sure my Who I Am! page can give my new teacher next year a overview of who I am as a learning.
Student support roles:
PLPATH Advisor: This person will assist the student on Goal Development, identifying Achievements, and writing their Who I Am! pages.
Teacher: Teachers will utilize the PLPATH of their students to build relationships and personalize learning. Teachers will also be responsible for adding Who Am I? pages that pertain to the subject they are responsible for (example: Representative work in Math). Teachers will review the Who I Am! pages at the start of the year of their incoming students.
Peers: Students should collaborate with friends and peers to help identify Achievements.
Classroom Support: (Guidance counselors, aids, nurses, ... ) Various roles, likely related to specific Who Am I? pages.
Administration: Set expectations that the PLPATH will be used during Data Chats about students. Set expectations for personalized learning. Establish work time for PLPATH development. Set aside PD time to train educators to both identify student owned learning and utilized that learning. Organize the committee to develop the Who I Am? assignments. Administrators will look for ways to celebrate Achievements by students.
Parents: Will review the Who I Am? page when they look at report cards. Will review the entire PLPATH during parent teacher conferences. Encourage their child to add any self-learning to their Achievement pages.
School Culture: The school culture should be encouraging the adding and exploring new Achievements (Student owned learning) items to their PLPATH.
Time line (Students)
Ongoing: Students on their own will be encouraged to add achievement pages, or update any progress towards goals at any time.
Monthly: Students will work with their PLPATH advisor and peers to add and update pages.
Grading period: Each grading period students will build a Who I Am! page to be included with their report card.
Timeline for (Supports)
Ongoing: Teachers & Classroom Supports will reference the PLPATH as needed to personalizing student learning.
Monthly: PLPATH advisor will work with their group of students to update and add pages.
Grading period: Teachers will review each students PLPATH Who I Am! pages that were added to the report cards.
After Fall, Winter, Spring Assessments: Teachers will review the entire PLPATH of a student as part of their data analysis.
As needed: Teachers & Classroom Supports will assign Who Am I? pages at appropriate times throughout the year.
Professional Development
Personal Learning PATH framework
Supports will need to be trained to help students identify student owned learning. Part of this training will need to include best practices for dealing with various equity levels of student owed learning identification.
PLPATH Advisors will need training on goal development.
All involved will need to be trained on the platform used for the PLPATHs
The Student created Who I Am! page to be sent home with report cards. This allows for report card info to include a National assessment (SBAC/iReady/NWEA), a Teacher Assessment, and a Student Self-Learning Summary
Teachers will be handed each students Who I Am! page from last year along with rosters at the start of the year.
PLPATH posters will be displayed prominently around the classroom and school building to remind students to add Achievements.
Goals should be able to be able to be completed, so that badges can be earned and progress shown.
Identify ways to celebrate of Achievements by students. One example could be a Principals PLPATH Achievement Award; Teachers could submit their suggestions to the principal and then the principal chooses 3 student Achievements to present as at an awards ceremony.
Planning & Development
Plan and develop the Who Am I? pages that will be assigned to the student.
Decide on the type of goals and information needed for those goals.
Design Day 1 launch day to students
Select a platform and plan for how the PLPATH will be distributed.
Build any templates you need.